Inner West 40 K proposal

Inner West Council and the State Government have come up with a plan to make the default speed limit on most roads 40 KM/hr . They say some 30 K zones will be considered. The State Roads and Classified Roads that are now 50 or 60 K are proposed to remain at 50 or 60, despite many not being up to standard with regard to cycling infrastructure, and a trend to changing 60 to 50 on State roads over the past ten years. Most serious injuries occur on these higher speed roads. [see Note below]

Worldwide the move is to 30 K urban default speed limit, following a UN Special Declaration in 2020 after the Stockholm World Road Safety Conference, which Australian Ministers or delegates signed. Many cities in Europe have adopted 30 as the default speed limit, including London, Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, Amsterdam. Wales has adopted 30 throughout. There are exceptions for main highways and certain other major roads with good cycling facilities, but most roads, including residential and shopping, are 30.

IWBC made a submission, criticising the proposal on a number of grounds.

Council did not make any substantial changes to the proposal and it was adopted at a recent Council meeting. We are disappointed that several key bike routes will remain 50 or 60 K, and the 30 K option is to be only considered on a limited number of roads.

Further information on the benefits of 30 K speed limits can be found on Bicycle NSW,, and

U tube Video from Not Just Bikes on speed limits.

New NSW guidelines on 30 K

Note added in December 2024

Some State Roads in Marrickville and Petersham with a 60 K limit have been recently made 50 K. It seems Council staff were not happy with the retention of existing 60 K limits and TfNSW have changed their minds. Good work! (but 40 would be better on Railway Terrace, which has a bike path. Sydenham Rd should be 50.