Bike Leichhardt

Bike Leichhardt began in 1992 as Leichhardt Bicycle Users Group, one of a number of Inner City BUGs set up by Bicycle NSW to lobby local Councils and promote cycling to the community.

We changed our name in 2010 and became an incorporated association, under NSW Fair Trading. We are affiliated with Bicycle NSW, the peak bicycle lobbying organization.

We continue to do local advocacy and are part of the Inner West Bicycle Coalition ( We put on rides just about every weekend through our Meetup site (

To join Bike Leichhardt, send $10 to our bank account at BSB 032134 Account No 125315, with ”for membership” in the text box, then please send an email to to say you have paid, and with your address and phone no, plus an emergency contact no. for our records. The latter is a requirement if you go on our rides.