After a long campaign the dream of Bruce Ashley from Bike Marrickville and other bicycle and environmental campaigners for a green corridor and bicycle and walking path through a restored bush corridor between Cooks River and Iron Cove in Inner Western Sydney has been almost realised. $15 million dollars has been allocated from Councils and State Government to construct the more difficult sections, such as road and rail underpasses. Construction should commence in 2017.
(Note added in Oct 2017: too optimistic, latest advice from the IWCouncil is construction will start in late 2018)
(Nov 2019- project delayed because Sydney Trains won’t sign off on the project!)
(May 2020.- Work underway on section from Marion St to Iron Cove. Path widening and realignment)
(May 2021- work on the southern end underway, on Hercules St, Ness, Garnett Sts, Tennent Pde and the new bridge over Cooks River to Lang Rd , built by Canterbury Bankstown Council).
(2024- work underway on the section between Parramatta Rd and Canterbury Rd, including underpasses of Longport St, Davis St, Constitution Rd).
New Council Greenway pages– has maps and timetable of works.
Wider issues of connectivity to the Rozelle Lilyfield Rail Yard and local bike routes such as Lilyfield Road and Allen St will be pursued.
As of February 2025 work is progressing quickly. The underpasses at Longport St, Davis St and Constitution Rd are built and paths being connected. The Parramatta Rd underpass is also being finished. Work on the section east of Hercules St is also almost done.
The project manager for some years, Nick Chapman, has not had his contract renewed, and the Inner West Council CEO Michael Deegan has assumed control of the Greenway project. As noted in the original post, Sydney Trains is delaying the project by not signing off on details of construction in “their” corridor.
On 14/8/18 IW Council approved the Masterplan, with some amendments, after strong community support and input in the consultation period. Detailed design has begun and funding of $27 m is available for bridges and underpasses north of Davis St. Construction still due to start late 2018 I believe, but this is to be confirmed.
Bruce Ashley was very pleased at finally getting the plan approved, but has some reservations about the continuity of the bushland. Wildlife needs a continuous bush corridor but some sections of bush will have human and dog access in addition to the main path, which may mean the bushland is broken up into patches.
A Master Plan is being prepared for the cycleway and landscaping construction, particularly the “missing links”, such as the underpasses of Parramatta Rd, Longport St and Old Canterbury Road. Council is seeking input into the Master Plan at