Rozelle Parklands, Active Transport Hub.

The new park on Lilyfield Road opened in 2024, on the site of the Rozelle Goods Yards. The park was built by Westconnex for Transport for NSW as part of the surface improvement works in the M4-M5 and Rozelle Interchange tollway project.

As well as an attractive place people might choose to ride to, the new park is a crossroads for a number of bicycle routes, such as the Lilyfield Rd connection to Anzac Bridge, Rozelle or Balmain to Annandale routes (Gordon St to Whites Creek, Annandale St via the Green Bridge and Light rail crossing) and Rozelle/Lilyfield to Glebe via the Green Bridge to Johnston St and The Crescent.

These bike routes were identified in the Westconnex EIS and Rozelle Interchang Urban Design Landscape Plan. Council or State Government were expected to ensure the connections were upgraded as part of overall Active Transport strategies. That is, Westconnex were to do the new paths through the park (and also some on Victoria Rd and The Crescent) and other authorities were to improve or establish new connecting routes. “To be done by others”, as stated in the UDLP Active Transport Strategy. This has been the problem, “the others” have been slow to move, given the UDLP was published in 2016.

The fight since then has been to firstly make sure the paths through the Parklands and on Victoria Rd and The Crescent (provided by Westconnex and TfNSW) are up to a high standard and then to get the connecting routes (provided by Inner West Council mostly) improved or new ones built.

The path through the Parklands from Ryan St is an excellent one, 5 m wide with pedestrians and cyclists separated, and the Victoria Rd underpass is a huge improvement on the old narrow footbridge over Victoria Rd. The Green Bridge across the City West Link to Annandale is also good, except the ongoing connections to Glebe are poor ( long wait to cross The Crescent), and there is no provision for cyclists on Johnston St.

IWBC submitted a list of defects to Westconnex and State Government that we think warrant attention. There was a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Rozelle Interchange, which supported some of our submissions.

Inner West Council had issues with the new Parklands as provided by Westconnex and TfNSW (the latter are still the authority in control of the Parklands), if IWC was to eventually take control of the land. IWC decided to do a Masterplan, which delayed any action on bicycle connections, particularly on the Lilyfield Rd Cycleway, which was being drawn up by a consultant. A draft plan that we supported was shelved and a new brief given to the Consultant, further delaying this ongoing (since 2016) saga.

We made submissions to the Masterplan in early 2024 and again in early 2025, which have largely been ignored in the final Draft plan. Central to our submission was that the Parklands should be an Active Transport park, with travel by foot, bike or public transport strongly encouraged.

The Masterplan was approved on February 18, 2025, with one amendment, to retain the separated path arrangement, which for some reason Council had decided to change to a shared path arrangement. We are hopeful of a meeting with Council to go through our submission and see if anything can be added to the Masterplan.

The Lilyfield Rd Cycleway draft plan should now be revealed and put on public exhibition, so we can finally see how it connects to the new park. A major issue is the lack of a pedestrian and bike crossing on Lilyfield Rd at Ryan St, so east bound cyclists can turn into the park more safely. Despite the park being opened for over a year nothing was done to make the right turn across traffic safer.

Other issues are the decision by Inner West Council to install 81 angle parking spaces along the park frontage, and remove the bike lane. we say this is hardly promoting Active Transport, and space could be found to retain a bike lane.

More on the Lilyfield Rd cycleway history, Rozelle Interchange and Victoria Rd can be found on

Hello From Neil

Improving key cycle facilities in a densely built environment is not as simple as it seems!

Take the case of the proposed two-way cycleway proposed for Lilyfield Rd. It is clear that AshBug, Bike Leichhardt and Bike Marrickville are all aiming to make things better for all cyclists in their former municipalities and all groups would support more state government money being put into making it easier for people to cycle to the city from the Inner west. Currently the improved Lilyfield Road cycle lanes work relatively well for the hardened commuter cyclists that use this route. These cyclists often come from areas beyond our new Inner West municipality and are happy to deal with the steep hill up from the Hawthorne Canal and brave vehicles entering Lilyfield Road from many cross streets at peak hours.

Ostensibly, the uphill/downhill lane re-alignments and green intersection treatments done by Leichhardt Council have been useful at providing for fast moving cycle commuters, largely male and fit. However the orientation of the Transport for NSW policy in Sydney’s Cycling Future (2013) is to substantially lift the numbers of people cycling from the currently low base of around 2% modal share to double this by June 2017. In other words they want to get people new to cycling onto their bikes, and, as the Lilyfield Rd cycle facility in a major part of the Inner West 5Km strategic links to the CBD it is fundamental to their aims of improving modal share for cycling in Sydney.

My personal reaction to this project was ‘what a waste of money, to muck up a perfectly good cycleway and replace it with a cramped, slow moving and potentially dangerous facility’! I would much prefer that if the state government wants more novice cyclists to take up cycling they should put a dedicated facility all the way through the light rail corridor using the old Rozelle Rails yards and incorporate the link to Anzac Bridge, utilizing more gentle grades and separation from busy cross streets and the difficult crossing of Victoria Rd at Rozelle.

I was looking at it from my perspective alone. However if our groups are true to our aims of improving cycling for all we need to consider ways of actually getting more people to cope with cycling in our congested, car dominated hilly Sydney.

There are many issues to be considered with this project such as dealing with residents’ parking issues, maintaining a reasonable quality of route for higher speed commuter cyclists and improving the cramped crossing of Victoria Rd. Getting access to the rail yards for a better quality off-road route also poses access issues across Lilyfield Rd and gradient issues for access ramps. The dream of using the Rozelle rail yards for an extension of the Greenway may be forced into the longer term due costs, State Rail intransigence and Westconnex route uncertainty concerning the Rozelle interchange.

These are some of the complex issues that show that although the state government is slowly moving on recognizing what we already know about the benefit of usable bicycle facilities, the path to success is difficult.

The actual design of the cycleway has been modified since the community engagement held in June 2016. This will be available for viewing  at a Drop In Session held at Leichhardt Town Hall on Tuesday 29 November between 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

As part of our democratic process I welcome all views on this project and I urge Inner West Bicycle Coalition members to attend the session if they wish.

Neil Tonkin

IWBC Advocacy Co-ordinator

Mobile 0409 313 008



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